Monday, January 2, 2017


PLEASE BE ABSOLUTELY !! TERRIBLE!! STOP THE HEADSET USE OF NOW, IF THE EARS AND DO NOT WANT YOUR BRAIN DAMAGED, BIAR READ MORE CLEARLY BIAR 5 REASONS YOU BELIEVE THIS !!! ((PLEASE Di SHARE FOR THE HEALTH WE ALL)) 17:00 INAZA RARA Facebook Auditory senses obtained which gift God gave to us so that we can listen to various sounds on the face of the earth. That sort of thing has been duly we are grateful because when one senses not doing well, so the body will naturally decrease in strength. One of the senses that act vital for the human body namely ear. Many young people who have a habit of listening to music from their favorite mobile devices, PSP, MP3 or MP4 player with the latest mobile phone headset connector. Indeed, if we use these headsets tend to be more practical and better in terms of noise created. There was no headset, the sound that is made to be a bit broke because tersambungsi speedily on the ear with the speaker. The use of a headset to listen to music through a highly redundant steps can cause damage to the ear. Worse yet, if anything like that is always left out, so the potential for damage to the brain may also be more. Then any potential diseases that may be because of the use of a headset or hearphone this? Read his statement below that 1. Ear Damage Permanent Damage to the ear may be the way for the use of a headset with a continuous way. Anything like that because of the harsh tone of the music coming from the earphones owned. Beyond that, the frequency of use that are too long can also cause permanent ear damage such as rupture of the eardrum can lower our hearing can even also cause deafness. Yuliandhani Lilly

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